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We Are Logical Republican

Let’s face it, there are wackos on both sides of the aisle. 95% of politicians and individuals would vote for a French Poodle if it had the correct political affiliation and would help “their side” win. The poodle instead of someone who could move the needle for the greater good and do the right thing. That’s what we’ve become – Poodle Voters.

In my opinion – the website is called Logical Republican, after all – The Left is far less flexible in their ability to see both sides of the discussion, have an open mind or concede elections – see Abrams, Stacey. To her credit, Hillary did concede, and yes, Trump did as well. Anyone who held a sign that read “He’s Not my President” or female members of Senate who wore black and refused to stand and acknowledge a duly elected President during the State of the Union, simply solidifies that opinion.

So go ahead and hate me for my views. Honestly they aren’t too different than JFK or LBJ or Bill. But we’ve become so polarized that we can’t say this or wear that – unless you’re a black-face wearing liberal, and you can get away with just about anything.

How Republican am I? Well, that depends on geography. In California I’m a right-wing wacko. In Texas I’m an avocado-eating pansy. I don’t own a gun. Don’t care if two guys or two gals get hitched. I’d abolish all government pensions unless you are teaching my kids, protecting me or saving lives. That lazy, fat, rude bitch at the DMV? 401k.

Girls are girls and boys are boys. What used to be a drag queen or cross-dresser is now a trans person. Whatever. I dressed up as a fireman when I was a kid. It didn’t make me one. Sylvester, the Disco Drag Queen is one of my favorite Disco-era singers. He wore a dress and makeup but he was a dude and he’d probably have been the first to tell you just that.

I could give a rat’s ass about how you “identify” yourself. Identity politics is all about putting people into buckets and expecting those buckets to act accordingly. I don’t check boxes. They / Them are plural, so unless there are two or more of you, pick a singular pronoun.

Bottom line is I’m here to call bullshit on things that are against all logic and counterproductive to the greater good – or the greater good as I see it. So please read and digest. Agree with me, or don’t. Cheers.