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Joe Biden Can’t Quit After Attempted Assassination On Donald Trump

Donald Trump after the assassination attempt at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee

Joe Biden Can’t Quit After Attempted Assassination On Donald Trump

Joe Biden can’t quit now.  The ongoing calls for stumbling Joe to bow out of the 2024 Presidential election have been loud and overwhelming, from the media, the public, and of course, none other than the well-educated political expert himself, George Clooney.  

Clooney graduated from Harvard with a degree in economics and then from Columbia Law.  

Wait.  Fact check.  Hold on.  Never mind.  He attended that near-Ivy you may have heard of and possibly were denied entry to – Northern Kentucky University.  That school has reportedly turned down multiple future Rhodes Scholars and has amazingly high standards of entry, like a 2.0 unweighted GPA and no SAT needed.  Their list of famous graduates is a work in progress, as there are none to date.  

Let’s be brutally honest here, Joe Biden was a national embarrassment in his recent debate with former President, Donald Trump.  He had multiple “senior moments” and had to be helped off the stage.  He’s had multiple other incidents in recent months and has stumbled his way through his years in office.  But if he quits the race now and hands the keys of the castle over to Kamala Harris it will validate everyone who has questioned his mental faculties and show how much the mainstream press and Democrat Party has covered up his steep decline.

But that’s not why Joe can’t quit.  It’s because of the assassination  attempt  on Donald Trump this past weekend in Pennsylvania.  Biden did a quick national address that evening that looked unscripted.  Rehearsed yes, scripted no.  He got through it fairly well – better than I or most expected and shuffled off stage after taking a single question that was answered without hesitation.  

He needs to stay in the race and fight or he and the Democrats will look weak not only to the American public but to the world stage.  Global perception is important.  If Kamala Harris is leading the ticket in November, the Democrats are now in even bigger trouble than a week ago, when that idea started floating around the headquarters.  Joe knows this.  Jill knows this.  And George Clooney probably knows this as well.  Bob Costas, too.  

The soon-to-be iconic photo of a bloodied Trump with his ear nearly shot off, pumping his fist and shouting fight, fight, while not wearing his shoes will be the rallying point that Kamala Harris can’t compete with.  The Democrats need Joe to step up for a few months and be as strong and tough as an 81 year-old can be.  He doesn’t have to be Mick Jagger or Paul McCartney on stage, but he has to perform.  

Things have changed and the Democrats and hopefully the mainstream liberal press realize that all the flame-fanning may have caused this incident to happen.  You can only call someone names for so long and before someone reacts.  He’s a racist, a fascist, he wants to end democracy, he wants to become a dictator, he wants to strip voting rights, he is likely the reason the Pacific Ocean is polluted and there is poverty in Turkmenistan.  It’s all his fault.  Believe it.  The Democrats said it and it’s on the Internet, so it must be true

A single, deranged 20-year old with Jeffrey Dahmer glasses and bad aim, has changed the complexion of this entire election season.  The press can’t call Trump names or make stuff up for fear of causing another copycat shooter, and the Biden campaign cannot continue stating Trump is a danger to democracy as they have been pumping into the veins of the Democratic voting herd of sheep. 

The mudslinging will be toned down for the most part until someone sees the polling numbers growing too far in Trump’s favor, and then all bets are off.  

The name calling and outright fabrications of the truth have come back to bite the liberal press and the Biden Administration in the ass and probably moved many of the on-the-fence voters into the Trump arena.  

Of course the Bill Maher’s of the world will still vote for Biden if his head were preserved in a hermetically sealed jar in blue liquid, just as there are Trump fanatics – that’s reality.  But there are still issue-voters out there that look at the candidate, his or her strengths and how well they will lead on a local or global stage.  And right now, Biden is a stronger candidate than Harris, and Trump’s bloody ear trumps Biden’s stumbling. 

We Are Logical Republican

In a climate of polarized politics and identity-driven narratives, I stand firm in calling out illogical and counterproductive agendas, prioritizing reason and the greater good over divisive ideologies.

Ideas are the great warriors of the world, and a war that has no ideas behind it is simple brutality.