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Homeless San Francisco: Living In Your RV Motor-home Or Car

San Francisco Homeless Living in Motorhomes

Homeless San Francisco: Living In Your RV Motor-home Or Car

I had some time the last few days to explore parts of San Francisco the TV cameras rarely show, the politicians and liberal, woke press claim is an exaggeration or doesn’t exist.

Parts of The City that City Hall claims are getting better, that their policies are working and helping people get the help they need to get off the street and into living situations with a roof and running water.

Mayor London Breed is up for re-election, and I read about San Francisco shipping busloads of homeless people out of town, to undisclosed locations.  Now there were claims these outbound people-shipments were sending people back to their hometowns. Or were they just going quietly away so they become someone else’s problems? Not sure anyone with knowledge is actually speaking on this topic.

The city that Mayor Breed leads spends roughly $300 million per year on various homeless programs – feeding, clothing and housing the un-housed among us.  When you add in other amenities and ancillary items it exceeds $600 Million. Let that sink in: SIX HUNDRED MILLION F-ING DOLLARS! For that price we could give each homeless person a new Tesla Model 3 and a year’s supply of crack + pipes in a San Francisco-owned drug den.

However if you had joined me on some of my car rides and walks through various parts of town, you would have witnessed that either these programs are complete BS, or they are complete BS.  There is no gray area here.  Let me say this loud and clear – The City and County of San Francisco’s Homeless Program is plain and simply BS.  

Blocks and blocks of human zombies litter the sidewalks or the Tenderloin, SOMA (South of Market) and other parts of town.  No police presence or visibility, no social workers, no outreach volunteers, no sanitation – nothing.  

From the mile-long procession of dead-on-wheels recreational vehicles parked near San Francisco State University and Harding park Golf Course, where there are also no services or sanitation, to the blocks of filthy humanity looking for their next score on 6th Street. Think for a second…How often to you take a shower or bath or use the toilet? Or get a drink of water? Or open the refrigerator? Yeah, pretty often.

The San Francisco press corps has been too busy pimping for Kamala Harris to care.  Yet again, they never did write about the cause & effect other than to claim it was an overblown issue when conventions started to veer away, or blame the wealthy who don’t pay “their fair share” of taxes.  Writers jeered at Elon Musk for taking Twitter / X to Texas, leaving the stench of 10th and Market Streets, saying good riddance, who needs him and his tech-bro engineers.  

When I walked by the Shorenstein-family-owned building that Twitter and Yammer once housed, the front doors were quiet.  There was a smattering of foot traffic and one person sitting on the sidewalk asking for money holding a soda cup.  I later realized it was a woman with a shaved head who wasn’t wearing pants or underwear.  And again, no police presence, no social workers and of course, no sanitation.  To say there is a stench in this part of town is an understatement.  

Again, calling out the San Francisco press corps – are there any reporters left or are all of you simply rip-read-write robots that follow the narrative that the homeless problem is caused by the 1% and City Hall is doing the best they can?  The San Francisco Chronicle was once a fine newspaper, but is now a skeleton of its previous self and has lost the ability to report the news in unbiased fashion.  The Chronicle’s online subsidiary, is more National Enquirer than a news outlet, using the word “beloved” to describe every restaurant that is shutting down.  And the San Francisco Examiner is a pathetic rag of woke-ness, another shell of a once-great newspaper.

Tim Redmond, the socialist, communist ex-alternative newspaper editor has resurfaced on an internet news outlet called and is maybe that last true news journalist left in San Francisco.  And while I would likely disagree with nearly everything he believes in politically, I admire the conviction to his beliefs and his fearlessness to call out problems.  

Tim, if you happen to read this, I have a challenge for you.  Maybe Peabody / Pulitzer Prize stuff.  Maybe not, but that hopefully got your attention.  

Yes, this is a “Republican” blog, but that doesn’t mean exactly what Rachel Maddow followers might have people believe, that anyone with and R instead of a D is just a horrible person and one not be associated with.  I am, in this case, trying to call out the liberal, woke apathy and waste of San Francisco.  The fact The City can budget and spend over $300 million dollars (or over $600m depending on whom you believe) annually on a homeless program that seems to only benefit those collecting a paycheck from the funding.  Clearly if you had walked with me, you would see no dent has been made, no rehabilitation progress or process visible and no new beds to sleep in.

Tim, find out where the money goes.  Audit the books.  Who is getting checks? What homeless advocate groups are poaching our tax dollars? Which consultants are shopping at Whole Foods? Who oversees the budget and who cuts the checks?  Who makes the decisions on whom to hire and what are their credentials?  Who monitors the progress and where do these reports wind up?  Who then reviews said reports and where does the data go? We need to know.

Tim Redmond, the current City Hall already doesn’t like you.  They’re probably afraid of you – in fact you’re probably the only journalist in town they are scared of because the fake-news bozos who only care about the narrative are just lackeys who will write whatever they’re told.

Be a bulldog, a pitbull, a real @hole.  Dig, audit and reveal.  City Hall needs a good scandal.

We Are Logical Republican

In a climate of polarized politics and identity-driven narratives, I stand firm in calling out illogical and counterproductive agendas, prioritizing reason and the greater good over divisive ideologies.

Ideas are the great warriors of the world, and a war that has no ideas behind it is simple brutality.

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