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Donald Trump Is An Asshole

Donald Trump Is An Asshole

Donald Trump is an asshole.  There.  I said it.  

Donald Trump is an asshole. And that’s OK.  I would have liked to have a beer with Obama or Clinton.  I think they’d be fun to hang out with.  Watch a game.  Check out the girls at the bar.  Tell fart jokes.  Bill, Barry and me, a cold beer and a wet tee-shirt contest.  Throw in some nachos and we’ve got a party.  

Would I want to have a beer with Donald Trump?  Not really.  I don’t think he’s a fun guy.  I don’t really think he’s a nice guy.  He’s kind of an asshole.  He falls into a category that is also occupied by other assholes that aren’t really regarded as assholes by the general public because much of their peak-asshole period happened before social media or it happens behind closed doors and is directed at employees.  

Bill Gates? Monumental asshole.  He’d bounce back and forth, left to right with his eyes darting here and there in meetings screaming.  

Steve Jobs?  Huge asshole.  He would privately and publicly humiliate people who worked for him.  He refused to acknowledge his daughter for decades.  It’s all in the book….read it.  

Zuckerberg?  Sneaky prick of an asshole.  He looks like a smug prick.  Watch the movie, it tells the story on how he covertly screwed his co-founders.  Not the twins that hit the lottery, but the other guys that sued and won.  

Larry Ellison.  Jensen Huang.  Elon Musk. All assholes.  

Guess what all these assholes have in common?  They’ve each pretty much changed the way we live, whether it’s what we drive, how we communicate, or do business.  

Could they have been equally successful if they were like…hold on….I’m trying to think of a nice guy who’s successful on a grand scale – behind closed doors. Sorry…still thinking… 

No…doesn’t rally exist.  Why?  Because the tilted mind it takes to drive innovation and have people follow you to the end of the earth is not common and not altruistic.  It’s about productivity and profits.  Without profits there is no company, no product development, no employees getting a check and paying taxes.  

Why did people follow Steve Jobs?  He was a nut-job who had people work insane hours in pure white rooms.  The rooms in Apple’s labs are all white.  Pure snow white.  The public doesn’t see these rooms, but I’ve been in them.  It’s pure white to provide a clean slate of thought.  Designers, engineers, programmers all working insane hours for a guy who would replace a worker-bee in a heartbeat with any of the hundred lined up to take his or her place.  

It’s because Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jensen Huang and the others are changing the world and people want to be a part of it. These guys have no family life, don’t know their kids, and probably have no real friends.  

Which brings us back to Donald Trump.  He has no real friends.  His girlfriends and marriages all seem contrived and a convenience.  His adult kids seem to get it – he is who he is because of who he is, and they benefit from that.  

But here is the common link amongst all these guys – Drive.  An insane level of drive to get the job done.  Bigger.  Better. Faster.  Wash, rinse and repeat.  It was great yesterday and we need to be better today and better next week.  Grind.  He’s a hammer looking for a nail to pound.  Literally and figuratively.  

When he was in the White House he’d work tirelessly.  Sure he played some golf, but not as much as Barack.  And he donated his paycheck to charity, similar to what Arnold did in California.  If a Democrat did this he’d be given sainthood.  Win a Nobel Prize. CNN never mentioned the Trump donations.

Trump didn’t care who’s feelings he hurts.  He criticizes people endlessly.  He fights back when he’s cornered. He’s a loose cannon and he crosses the line a lot.  He’s bombastic and a blowhard.  He brags and exaggerates.  

And he fights for the American people regardless of what the liberals say.  He repatriated billions in tax dollars sitting offshore for decades.  He got people back to work with the lowest unemployment rates in 50 years.  The stock market had its greatest gains in history.  He took on China.  He called the Korean Rocket Man names and ridiculed him, but the mainstream press didn’t get it, and then Rocket Man met him at the DMZ and was the first sitting President to enter North Korea.  Rocket Man was scared of Trump.  The King of China, Winnie The Poo, was scared because the policies put in place by Trump (maybe) caused him to start a germ virus war with the world.  

Military generals are assholes.  They have to be.  They send people to die for a cause, yet soldiers follow them.  Maybe a bad analogy, but people follow all these assholes because they see the greatness at the end of the tunnel.  

I see that light with Trump.  Making our own computer chips. Making our own pharmaceuticals.  Not having China dictate what kind of movies Hollywood makes.  

With Stumbling Joe I see a cloud of exhaust from his classic Corvette and 8 million illegal immigrants and 8 million more if he’s re-elected.  Give me an asshole to lead.  I can always find a beer buddy to watch the game and split some nachos.

We Are Logical Republican

In a climate of polarized politics and identity-driven narratives, I stand firm in calling out illogical and counterproductive agendas, prioritizing reason and the greater good over divisive ideologies.

Ideas are the great warriors of the world, and a war that has no ideas behind it is simple brutality.