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Hello Garbage People of Donald Trump

Hello Garbage People of Donald Trump

Hello my fellow garbage people!  Wow, just days before we pick the 47th President of these not-so United States, and the name calling has reached epic proportions.  

And don’t you think it’s a bit funny that the mainstream media has relentlessly said Donald Trump demeans people, but never checks the Democrats for calling Trump a fascist, a racist or a reincarnation of Adolph Hitler?  It never ends, and the CNN’s of the world run it and run it, and then run it some more.  It’s not like slanderous blabber is going to change anyone’s mind – if you’re watching CNN for anything other than a natural disaster update, you likely already have serious distaste for #45.  

This week Trump had a rally at Madison Square Garden, Ground-Zero for what we are led to believe is one of America’s liberal epicenters.  Yet the place was packed.  The stage was littered with people you may or may not have heard of, and then there was a comedian, that falls into the second bucket – never heard of the guy, and I’m not going to type in his name here, giving him another search point with Google.  

Well this so-called comedian, decided to rail on this and that and then the soundbite came – something about a pile of garbage in the ocean. Oh boy, did the liberals have a field day with this one.  Of course Trump didn’t utter the words, but it’s guilt-by-association.  The Trump team quickly distanced itself from this moron, and whomever booked him hopefully had their employment disposed of quickly.  

And without missing a beat, the Trump-haters started piling on about his so-called ongoing disparaging remarks about Latinos that started when he said something about rapists and murderers…you may recall, Eva Longoria saying none of her family falls under that description. Never mind Trump was talking about illegal immigrants coming into this country unchecked.  We don’t know who these people are – they didn’t fill out a form and apply. They hopped a fence or waded across a river, they didn’t have a sit-down interview in an embassy.  

Donald Trump has hired more Latinos than every president in history combined.  Donald Trump has hired and fired more people than any president in history combined, by way of his companies.  Oh, but he’s had bankruptcies….yes, and he’s had successes as well.  Always the quick-to-criticize crowd who’s never had the balls to start anything in their life.  Never criticize someone who has had the guts to start a company unless you’ve also wandered down that path. It’s not easy to succeed when you have to deal with permits, licenses, taxes, accountants and so on…

But back to the garbage.  After the MSG rally, Joe Biden with way to much embalming fluid injected, and looking wrinkle-free, denounced Trump and his supporters, because his regime would never stoop to name calling.  Then he uttered the word GARBAGE and ohhhh that went viral.  Apparently Trump supporters are garbage.  I’m garbage.  You’re garbage.  Over 100 million Americans are garbage.  Garbage should be disposed of.  Garbage is incinerated in many parts of the world.  Garbage is recycled into newer and better pieces of non-garbage.  

And then Trump being Trump decided to hold a press conference in a garbage truck.  Who thinks of this stuff?!  Brilliant.  Outside the box thinking is what we need to fix the mess we have here today.  Some stuff works and some stuff doesn’t, and the press jumps all over what doesn’t and never gives credit for what does.  And of course loser woke, liberal outlets like and Buzzfeed have to criticize because they’re pathetic excuses of news and smear the event, while never uttering a word about Joe Biden stumbling and mumbling and wandering the past 4 years.

Back to Puerto Rico for a quick second – If living conditions on the island are so wonderful and there are so many opportunities to be successful, why do so many Puerto Ricans move to places like New York and live in crappy rodent infested overcrowded apartment buildings?  Why not just stay amongst your fellow islanders and make it a better place to live and work?  Or maybe the place does kinda suck for most people there because of corruption and the population’s disdain for learning English with 95% of the population speaking Spanish at home. Since the population isn’t Spanish by blood, in most cases, they embrace the language of their ancestors’ captors, religious converters, and in many cases, slave owners.  Whatever. 

Same with anyplace, if your place doesn’t suck or isn’t a $h!th0le why did you come here?  For a better life?  For The American Dream? To be on American Idol? Get over it. The reality is most of world isn’t that wonderful, and legally immigrating to the USA builds a better America for all of us. Hopefully the garbagemen take out the Liberal trash next Tuesday! 

We Are Logical Republican

In a climate of polarized politics and identity-driven narratives, I stand firm in calling out illogical and counterproductive agendas, prioritizing reason and the greater good over divisive ideologies.

Ideas are the great warriors of the world, and a war that has no ideas behind it is simple brutality.