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Joe Biden and Donald Trump 2024 The Rematch

Joe Biden and Donald Trump 2024 The Rematch

Here is the dilemma for the 2024 Presidential Election: Do we prefer an old-guy crook who stretches the truth sometimes beyond what we can imagine? Or an even older old guy who looks like a really really old guy that stumbles and mumbles and has an unpopular Vice-President? A VP that would likely become POTUS because it’s doubtful Old Joe makes it through four more years, looking at his current physical and mental condition.

The crook will likely pick a younger, more appealing running-mate to offset his own advanced age. Younger and more appealing to potentially take the baton due to the likelihood the Democrats and mainstream press will once again install the full-court press against his every move, idea, policy and comment, if he is elected again.

Stumbling Joe has a Kamala problem. Nobody really likes her. She was a bad District Attorney in San Francisco who was propped up by her then-boyfriend, Willie Brown. It was Willie who helped her get a start earning a taxpayer-funded paycheck by appointing her to boards and commissions for which she had no qualifications – the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission.

Kamala,,while San Francisco DA, threatened to jail parents of habitually truant public school students. She refused to pursue the death penalty on the AK47 murder of a San Francisco police officer, or a drive-by shooting by an illegal alien MS-13 gang member that killed a father and two of his three sons, as he mistook them for rival gang members. I can write volumes on her missteps, and will when time permits

As a freshman senator, she seemingly spent more time running for president than actually representing the state of California. Harris eventually dropped out of the presidential race, claiming a lack of funds, prior to the primaries. In the 2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary, she pulled in 129 votes.

Trump has been accused of multiple crimes, some seemingly constructed and other possibly real. My gut tells me that while CNN, CNBC, MSNBC and all the other networks, while bashing him, calling him names and literally making up stories, behind closed doors want him to see elected this coming November.

Why? Well pretty obvious, I’d think – it’s called RATINGS. CNN’s ratings are in the toilet. Rachel Maddow is an afterthought without a Trump-fueled soapbox and it’s getting hard covering up Stumbling Joe’s trips and slips, falls and forgetfulness, and generally looking like an elderly guy who would look like the “old guy” at an old-folks home.

Let the fun and mud slinging begin.

We Are Logical Republican

In a climate of polarized politics and identity-driven narratives, I stand firm in calling out illogical and counterproductive agendas, prioritizing reason and the greater good over divisive ideologies.

Ideas are the great warriors of the world, and a war that has no ideas behind it is simple brutality.