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The Silent Republicans Will Elect Donald Trump Over Kamala Harris

The Silent Republicans Will Elect Donald Trump Over Kamala Harris

We’re about 3 weeks from the 2024 Presidential election. About 3 weeks from the 47th President of the United States and the waning days of possibly the most invisible and incapable occupant or 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Joe Biden.

So, do we choose the Border Czar who doubled as the AI Artificial Intelligence Czar, the Vice-President who visited the border once during her tenure until she was forced to make the trip within the last month to appease the press and those calling her out on the illegal immigration explosion during the Biden / Harris years.  

When Donald Trump won the election in 2016 over Hillary Clinton, the liberal press was stunned.  Shocked.  Jake Tapper was shell-shocked on CNN.  How on earth could this happen.  Streets were filled with protestors coast to coast, let’s not forget.  The polls all showed Clinton would win by a landslide. Parties were planned for the first woman to sit in the oval office that was not under Bull Clinton’s desk.  

The polls were all aligned with Hillary getting to the 270 Electoral Votes ahead of Trump, even with the variables factored in.  Balloons were filled with helium, the champagne was on ice, the ballrooms rented and thankfully pre-paid. Speeches were written and well-rehearsed. Suits and gowns pressed, and travel plans made and hotel rooms reserved for the upcoming inauguration and then…poof. 

TV shows, columnists and documentary filmmakers were all now in scramble mode and needed to pivot from “Gee what a wonderful thing we just experienced,” to “Holy crap, something horrible just happened. We lost. How?”  

Well, let me tell you how this all came to be, and how it might pan out again here in 2024.  

The liberal and woke media bash Trump.  Looks at most newspaper or news website headlines, whether it’s the San Francisco Chronicle, New York Times, USA Today or Yahoo News and it’s generally very pro-Harris and very anti-Trump, and even the articles that are seemingly unbiased contain some form of liberal editorial opinions buried within.  

It’s ok for people to post anti-Trump and pro-Harris memes on social media and everyone backslap each other.  Sure some of the comments are negative, but that;’s written off as the lunatic fringe by the liberals because Harris is for the people.  However if you or I were to post a pro-Trump meme or photo on our own social media, it would be largely ignored because people would be afraid to leave a thumbs-up, heart, like or positive comments for fear of being outed as a non-liberal.  

Now you might be thinking, who would be afraid of being labeled a conservative or non-liberal?  What’s the big deal? 

Well, let’s say you’re a teacher, or a union member, or work in Silicon Valley like me, where 90% of your colleagues indoctrinated woke liberals that verbally and on social media supported Black Lives Matter, but won’t go near “the hood” and cross the street when more than one black person is headed their way on the sidewalk.  You know the type – liberal arts school, too tight jeans and shirt and throwback sneakers and a wussy beard.  And the women, the radical bent-out-of-shape women in tech that feel diminished because they always feel slighted on any comment, joke or statement lobbed their way.  

That’s why. You’d be labeled in the hallway, at the coffee machine and in the cafeteria.  There’s that @hole Republican.  You’d feel the sneers.  Then you see a scratch on your car door.  

This is why there’s a very good chance Trump will win November 5th. It’s because people like me won’t share their opinion to pollsters on the phone because I don’t know who you are.  I can’t see you, your credentials, the boiler room you’re calling from and where this information is headed.  You clearly know who I am since you have my phone number.  So, no, I am not taking your survey.  

And with people like me not participating in the polling and surveys, the results get skewed because the liberals are more likely than people like me to agree to answer questions on the issues and candidates.  

So don’t be surprised the evening of November 5th when Anderson Cooper has to find his composure and state the 47th President of The United States is Donald J. Trump. 

We Are Logical Republican

In a climate of polarized politics and identity-driven narratives, I stand firm in calling out illogical and counterproductive agendas, prioritizing reason and the greater good over divisive ideologies.

Ideas are the great warriors of the world, and a war that has no ideas behind it is simple brutality.

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