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Joe Biden Is Correct: Asian Countries are Xenophobic

Filipino Maids work for pennies in Hong Kiong

Joe Biden Is Correct: Asian Countries are Xenophobic

It took nearly 4 years for Joe Biden to do something I didn’t laugh about or cringe at.  The stumbles going up or down stairs.  The mumbles and blunders and the classified documents in boxes next to the Corvette. Pooping his pants or wandering aimlessly on a runway.

Thank you Joe for saying what a Republican president would get hammered for in every newspaper, television broadcast and blog imaginable.  Thank you, Joe, for pointing out what many have wanted to say but would be labeled a racist, and asshole, a whatever.  They’d be labeled and CNN would have panels, Rachel Maddow would come out of hiding and Morning Joe would have viewers again.  

Joe called out a number of countries for being xenophobic.  Whoa!  Joe said it.  Of course he didn’t say it to a crowd while on camera where people could ask questions or someone could toss a tomato his way.  I don’t think it was scripted or he was authorized to say this by his bosses – the ones who control his moves and speeches and thoughts – I think this was Joe telling the truth for once, giving his honest opinion on an observation that many have had but very few have had the guts to say.  

Joe called out Japan, China, Russia and India as xenophobic.  Of course he could have added South Korea to that list and a few others, but that’s okay.  The cat is out of the bag.  Rabbit out of the hat.  Now he could have gone Full-Monty and called them racist countries or societies for not allowing, let alone embracing legal immigration, but that’s something for another post that I will jump feet-first into.  

This was reported by CNN, and the network had to massage the comment so readers and viewers won’t be mad at Joe, softening his comments by saying, “…Japan, along with India, Russia and China would perform better economically if the countries embraced immigration more.”  Of course Joe didn’t say that, that was the CNN spin on the matter.  

And his mouthpiece, Karine Jean-Pierre, said “He was saying that when it comes to who we are as a nation, we are a nation of immigrants, that is in our DNA,” and he was making a “broad comment” on these countries.  CNN, to its credit covered this, but it if was Trump who said this it would have blown up like his “shithole of a country” comment.  

This is what Joe said: “You know, one of the reasons why our economy is growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants. We look to – the reason – look, think about it – why is China stalling so badly economically? Why is Japan having trouble? Why is Russia? Why is India? Because they’re xenophobic. They don’t want immigrants,”

I haven’t checked, but that government official from China who loves calling America racist on Twitter has surely jumped into the fray to say something.  Funny how he has a Twitter account yet it’s banned in China.  

Of course Joe and the Democrats are Luke-warm on legal immigrants from developed countries because they may eventually become Republicans.  They prefer the line-jumping, fence-hopping types that have anchor babies and rely on Democrat-funded healthcare and aid.  

But back to the point here.   

When a so-called Western country doesn’t want to take people in, they’re labeled racist or xenophobes.  Germany took in one million Muslim “refugees” under the Angela Merkel regime.  Why did Germany get stuck with these people who refuse, for the most part, assimilate to German culture?  It’s because the other Muslim countries, their ha-ha brothers, didn’t want them.  Could be because they were the wrong kind of Muslims, or the wrong skin shade, or they didn’t want to get stuck with the bill of a million freeloaders.  

Mexico doesn’t want the Venezuelans or the Guatemalans or whatever other migrants that pass through their country to come to the United States and get a free four-star hotel room in New York City.  Oh hell no, they don’t want to get stuck, but they’re not xenophobes, they’re the lubricant to get people through and on their way.  

The French are xenophobes because they also have a Muslim problem.  As are the Greeks, the Dutch, British and any other European country that wanted to be “Woke” and now have issues because the Muslims, again for the most part, have no intention of assimilating to their new country’s culture.

At least Western countries welcome immigrants – legal immigrants.  The Biden-mentioned countries have a near-zero path toward immigration.  You are or I cannot suddenly decide to move to China or Japan, get a job, settle down and get citizenship and become Chinese or Japanese.  Or Korean.  Or Russian.  Or Indian.  Or Pakistani.

If you see a Filipino or Indonesian woman in Hong Kong, she’s probably a maid. This is not a slight or insult, it’s reality. On any given Sunday in Central Hong Kong, you will find 30,000 women congregated together, hanging out. It’s their one day off during the week. Then they go back to sleeping in their broom closet, cleaning up for their Chinese employer family. They will never be permanent residents or embraced in Hong Kong. They are maids, plain and simple.

Does this make them xenophobes AND racists?  There are enough documented issues from Japan where half-Japanese kids have been discriminated against in schools, or where there are establishments that only cater to Japanese.  Jaden Smith’s character was a sideshow for most of the Karate Kid remake movie, when his family were ex-pats in China.  

Russia because of its size – eleven time zones – has all kinds of people.  Blonde and blue, where they could be mistaken for Finnish is common on the east end and dark hair and eyes, where they could be mistaken for Korean on the east end of the country that touches the Pacific Ocean.  Now are they welcoming of immigrants?  Not really.  

I read a quote somewhere – You can tell how great a country is by how many people want to get in.  

Does anybody really want to get into India or China or Russia?  Maybe if you’re in North Korea, sure, but let’s get real. Chinese with money send their kids to America so they can get a job and then petition their parents to come live with them and get Medicare.  Indian students that hit the jackpot and get accepted to American grad schools, same thing.  Get an H-1 Visa, bring parents.  And that’s OK.  

While it is true foreign students in many places are taking American students’ places because they pay out of state tuition, they do contribute to society if and when they stay and find a job.  They are here legally.  They pay taxes.  Their kids do well in school.  It’s all good.  

Back to Joe.  Dude, thanks for acknowledging the fact for all of us to hear.  

We Are Logical Republican

In a climate of polarized politics and identity-driven narratives, I stand firm in calling out illogical and counterproductive agendas, prioritizing reason and the greater good over divisive ideologies.

Ideas are the great warriors of the world, and a war that has no ideas behind it is simple brutality.